Folks this is practice, training for the New System. This will be the new means of traveling in Paradise. So 40 days or 40 years to get to their destination, no problem you have all the time in the world.
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
Front cover of the 2017 Watchtower - unbelievable!
by freddo instudy edition.
january 2017.
(can someone put up a link please?).
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
James Mixon
outlaw: that would be the end for Mr.Trump...LOL But his conduct does remind me of a coke head, can't sit still (walking around in the debate), frequent outburst (you are Satan) and the sniffing..
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
James Mixon
You wonder about Trump's breathing problem. Blow your nose man clear your nasal passage,It's so irritating I don't know who's worst B.Carson or Trump in speaking.....Those two together on the ticket, comedians would have enough material to last for the next 20 years.Thinking about it I'am sure they already have plenty material on hand, Trump and Clinton....
Today's Text: Reject Apostacy!
by Divergent inmonday, october 10. renounce unrighteousness.—2 tim.
2:19.. god’s word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that christians must renounce or reject.
for instance, in the immediate context of 2 timothy 2:19, we find that paul tells timothy “not to fight about words” and to “reject empty speeches.” (2 tim.
James Mixon
I can see their point "reject Apostasy:. 2Timothy 4;4 And they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables (myths). Wait a second who's teaching myths, I'am confused. Are you teaching myths as truth when you are a JW, or do you teach truth about myths when you leave the organization and that's why you are called an Apostate. Make sense to me, I think....
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
James Mixon
SNL: H.Clinton ask, you think Trump will step out of the race?? Clinton "Oh no no, please let him stay in". (Desirous), most 59 year old men do not talk about women in that way, only some creepy guy....
Hypothetical: If WTS Reformed...?
by Cold Steel inas i said in the subject line, this is purely hypothetical.
what do you think would happen if the wtbts leaders decided to reboot some of the organization's more controversial practices.
not that they would deny their claims to be jehovah's earthly representatives, nor the key elements of their eschatology; but in administrative outlooks.
James Mixon
The movie "Blast from the Past" starring Brendan Fraser comes to mind. Live his entire life in a fallout shelter with his mother and father because they believe the A-bomb had destroyed Pasadena California and the U.S...... When he finally came out as an adult, no more going back to the fallout shelter.....Jw would be like the little church on corner..
I found my wifes new blood card
by Steel ini would like to say i am not in and my wife is a marginal witness at best.
she doesn't say anything bad about the borg or live an amoral lifestyle.
she just doesn't read the bible, or even the tracts anymore and generally has no clue about anything biblical or doctorial related.. i found my wives new card yesterday.
James Mixon
rebelfighter: I understand your situation and I would do the same. I guess my question on medical files, can one specify that all medical decisions be made by an elder and not your mate?????If so like SafeAHome stated , "will he be responsible for medical bills as well as all funeral expenses". I have instruction in my wallet in case of a emergency contact the names in this list. There was a period when I would pass out (sometimes for 8hrs.), but I was ok, anxiety attacks and PTSD....My JW family members told me I need to come back to Jehovah, that's why I'am having those attack.LOL I realize a long time ago, make sure in case of a emergency they contact the right folks. A JW family member, hell no.
Which Org 'directives' did you blatantly ignore
by Tallon ini remember that we were always encouraged to let everyone at work know that you were one of jw's and therefore would not participate in any of their functions, parties etc.. this i outrightly refused to do.
my reasoning was that i was employed and paid to do a job and therefore my religious beliefs were a personal matter and therefore had nothing to do with my work.
secondly i had to work with these people.
James Mixon
Heavy drinking, when I saw other elders guzzle like a fish I ignored it especially when the elder giving the talk was one of those elders,,,,,Beating your kids something I could not justify, i was never beaten by my none JW parent....
What kind of cheese do you like?
by Iamallcool ini went to and they have 160 different kinds of cheese.
i just do not know which cheese i want to order.
any suggestions?
James Mixon
Hog's head cheese, I'am from the south. It will make you slap your mommy.......
I found my wifes new blood card
by Steel ini would like to say i am not in and my wife is a marginal witness at best.
she doesn't say anything bad about the borg or live an amoral lifestyle.
she just doesn't read the bible, or even the tracts anymore and generally has no clue about anything biblical or doctorial related.. i found my wives new card yesterday.
James Mixon
A JW couple I know well, the wife diagnosis with breast cancer and only a few months to live. She told her doctor all decisions in regards to her care be made by her youngest son. Her husband an elder had no input in her medical treatment. How was that possible, isn't that against the law to take away the Husband authority when the wife is unable to make decisions??? I may add this, the husband was known for abusing his wife and children,
but still is this lawful. If my wife was in a accident and rushed to the emergency, who will they call. They will call the next of kin if they don't want a law-suit...What brother would be ok with that, they must contact me before contacting your husband..WTH